
Aeneas Route

The Epic Path of Aeneas

Imagine a journey that would change the history  of the world. The Aeneas Route is a journey of a lifetime, a wonderful passage through time that allows you towalk in the footsteps of a Trojan hero. Aeneas stretches from the vibrant shores of the northwestern Agean coast of Anatolia to the sandy beaches of Lazio in Italy, by sea and partly by land. This route is inspired by the mythical legend of Aeneas as told by the Latin poet Virgil. Aeneas fled the burning city of Troy with his family and companions and embarked on a long journey of discovery through cultures, landscapes, and civilisations, to seek and build a new city after the legendary Trojan War.

A Mythical Journey from Troy

From historical Troy, you can visit another world hidden for so many years, and now shining in new splendour, thaks to the efforts and talents of renowned archaeologists. It is recognised as UNESCO World Heritage Site,and home to the award-winning and fantasticTroy Museum which brings the site to life. The museum brings an ancient legend to life, and the archaeological site can also be viewed from the museum’s rooftop terrace.

The first road leading to Rome

The journey of Aeneas takes you to the majestic history of Antandros, now known as Altınoluk, located on the northern coast of the Edremit Gulf in Balıkesir province, where there are some of the most beautiful and impressive strecthes  of coastline with silvery green olive groves. Legend has it that he travelled through Ezine and Ayvacık, and set foot in the enchanting forests and foothills of Mount Ida (Kaz Dağları) before arriving in Antandros. The journey will take you from ancient sites to beaches, from tasting the famous Ezine cheese to culinary delights. Ezine a place where  history and legends intersect is a charming town with culinary delights, natural beauty, and historical and cultural sites along the route. And then Ayvacık, known for its turquoise bays, olive trees and groundbreaking sunsets, is a must for the savvy photographer. Aeneas and his companions eventually crossed the forests of Mount Ida, which was sacred to the gods. Here, with the permission of the goddess Cybele, they built twenty ships using the pines of the Ida forests for the journey ahead. A trip  through Mount Ida is a wonderful excursion to discover traditional villages, and nature and enjoy the northern Turkaegean way of life. From the breathtaking views of the sea and nature from the hills, and the lush forests in the valleys, Ida is the key to a great history of its ancient cities and rich mythology of stories. In early spring, Aeneas finally sets sail.

Now imagine a cosmopolitan cruise, that includes twenty-one ports in four countries, from Antandros to Latium (Lazio)  to found the new city of Troy. Do not miss the  excavations in Antandros, a real treasure as they revealed the city’s well-preserved necropolis, city walls, ancient trade route, Roman houses with mosaic floors and walls decorated with paintings. The houses on the hill are a fascinating wonder with their exceptionally beautiful and well-preserved mosaics.

The Journey from the sea

The Aeneas Route now continues across the Aegean Sea northwards bound to Dardanos, a place still present today and close by to the familiar sights of Çanakkale. Now from the Gulf of Edremit, you might not decide to ferry up the water to Çanakkale, you can, of course, consider a scenic land route so do check out our fabulous detour itinerary off the beaten track. Approaching the entrance to the Dardanelles, which connects the Aegean Sea with the Sea of Marmara, we come to Çanakkale, a place where leaders, commanders, warriors, artists, philosophers, explorers, and poets who have been important to mankind throughout history have met. Aeneas’ journey continued to East Thrace and the ancient city of Ainos, a region sitting on the Northern Aegean coast at the mouth of the river Meriç. It is here where Aeneas and his companions briefly founded a new home before fate again dealt them a blow to their settled lives. Here you will arrive in the more recognisable and charming town of Enez. Here you will find yourself at the final point of the Aeneas Route in Türkiye, and where the Trojan hero would continue his quest, eventually heading for Italy and fulfilling his duty of building a “New Troy”.