

Laodikeia, Denizli 

The city, an important city of the Roman period in the 1st century BCE in Anatolia, is home to great works of this period. The ancient city of Laodikeia (Laodikya Antik Kenti), about 20 minutes by car from Denizli city centre, is one of the must-see places with its feature of being one of the largest trade centres in history. 

The city, located in the middle of Lykos (Çürüksu)Valley in the intersection of Phrygia, Lydia and Caria regions in ancient geography, was founded on behalf of his wife queen Laodike by Seleucid King II. Antiochus Teos in the south of the Lykos River. In ancient sources, it is mostly referred to as “Laodikeia and Lykum (Laodikeia on the shore of Lykos”. 

Laodikeia, which is of great importance to the Christian world, has been a “Holy pilgrimage center”since the 4th century CE. Mentioned in the Bible and one of the seven famous churches of Anatolia. The Laodikeia (Pilgrimage) Church is located there.

Among the important structures of Laodikeia that have survived to the present day are Anatolia’s largest stadium, theatres, four-bath complex, agoras, Nympheum, main entrance gate, parliament building, temples, churches and monumental street. 

Laodikeia Ancient City is included in UNESCO World Temporary Heritage List.